Episode 25
Best Open House Strategies for Real Estate Agents
Are you utilizing one of the most important tools for creating leverage in real estate?
We are breaking down and sharing the 5 critical steps necessary for the PERFECT Open House.
These steps will fuel your mindset and your business to dominate your market.
If you're not optimizing the Open House opportunity you will fall behind.
Today we are joined by a top agent, Kristen Reagan from the #1 team in Missouri. Together, her and Matt break down the processes and systems required to formulate an open house plan that best serves your clients.
We are covering...
✅ The mindset behind a successful open house
✅ The prep work necessary to create an open house that WORKS (it may surprise you)
✅ The Marketing Magic you need to implement NOW
✅ The follow-up plan that CONVERTS
This episode is packed with actionable steps you can take in your business today and make waves In your local market.
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the goal of the open house is to not sell not to sell that house that's not the goal
Speaker:if that happens great but the goal is to get face-to-face build relationships
Speaker:with people whether that be a neighbor a buyer a seller etc
Speaker:welcome back to another episode of all or nothing in real estate i'm your host matt smith here i've
Speaker:got a special guest with me today kristen reagan kristin is one of our buyer specialists on the
Speaker:team and she's going to talk to us about a lot of things that you can apply as an agent in the
Speaker:business that she's doing every single day to help her grow her business during these challenging
Speaker:times kristen say hi to the people hello how's it going i'm excited for you to be here i know
Speaker:you were nervous but i'm excited that you're here you've got some great content you're gonna you're
Speaker:gonna share some value with people today and as always he wanted to make sure i mentioned him
Speaker:because he's not on camera today and i think last time he said sorry ladies you don't get to see
Speaker:his face today but he's in the background talking as always we have colin call and say hi what's up
Speaker:guys i'm excited about this content today and i'll keep us on track awesome somebody needs to so um
Speaker:so today we're going to break down open house mastery how to master your open houses a lot
Speaker:of real estate agents hear the word open house and they think oh we just got to do another open house
Speaker:or i tried it one time and it didn't work and most of the the communication that i hear about
Speaker:around open houses from the agent perspective is negative and so today we're going to break
Speaker:down how we use it in our business how kristin has used it and how we can make it actually a
Speaker:positive in your business and help you create momentum especially in challenging times that
Speaker:we're seeing right now in this market i mean there's some markets that leads are down 50
Speaker:open houses is a great way for you to create new leads right definitely
Speaker:so um kristin why don't we why don't we just start with what is your perspective on why
Speaker:people should do open houses like what's some value you can get from an open house
Speaker:mostly getting in front of people you want to get in front of buyers and sellers so obviously
Speaker:you have a lot of buyers that come through the open house but also see it on social media too
Speaker:so you'll get in front of people that way and then also um getting in front of neighbors um you do a
Speaker:lot of that too so yeah a lot of people um i say this all the time when we're talking about open
Speaker:houses is that nosy neighbors are a great thing yeah right because guess what they have they have
Speaker:a home that that they own eventually they may want to sell it right and so i want i want to
Speaker:be the resource for them as well um also just a uh a quick note kristen brought it up before the show
Speaker:is we we did something interesting that was a kind of a twist on open houses back when covid was
Speaker:was really a new thing and we did uh some virtual open houses and we actually did five of them in i
Speaker:think a span of five days and all five of those houses sold that next day from the virtual open
Speaker:house so we'll break that down towards the end of the episode to to tell you guys that we ways that
Speaker:you can use new technology in today's changing and challenging world to still do a version of
Speaker:open house and get face to face and in front of people so um the goal of the open house isn't
Speaker:necessarily to sell the house right so setting expectations when like i said there's a negative
Speaker:connotation with open houses it's because agents have false expectations they think i'm doing the
Speaker:open house all i have to do is put one sign in the yard i show up i bring a box of cookies and
Speaker:somebody's going to walk in and buy the house will that happen maybe maybe maybe you'll see a unicorn
Speaker:one day too right but in the reality is there's a process that you can follow to master that and
Speaker:i want you to realize let's set the proper expectations the goal of an open house isn't
Speaker:to sell that house right that is not the goal of open house if that happens that's fantastic
Speaker:but the chances of that happening is about three percent only three percent of people buy
Speaker:the first house that they inquire on right like so you have a 97 chance of failure if that's your
Speaker:expectation of selling this house yeah instant gratification too right instead of long-term so
Speaker:so the value is that you get some marketing out kristen hit on that you get marketing out to get
Speaker:your brand out to let people know but also it gets you face-to-face with buyers sellers and neighbors
Speaker:and so as an example the value of getting face to face there's a stat out there that's around 80
Speaker:of clients work with the first real estate agent they meet in person so you have an 80 chance if
Speaker:you have zero value to give you have 80 chance of working with that person if they buy yourself you
Speaker:meet with them face to face and open house is a great opportunity to do that so we're going
Speaker:to break down how we can get more people into your open house but let's dive a little deeper
Speaker:on the why on the why open houses are important kristin do you have any any feedback or advice on
Speaker:things that may be some mindset shifts that have really helped you or helped the team
Speaker:yeah i think that you know people um i've had agents come up after an open house i've asked
Speaker:you know how'd it go and they would say you know only one person came through for example and they
Speaker:were very disappointed and felt like it was a failure but that's not always the case because
Speaker:you got in front of other people you got in front of that person and then also
Speaker:like i said you get to meet neighbors you get to um you know get that marketing on
Speaker:social media and everything and so you know you don't know what other agents on your team got
Speaker:leads from that on social media you know what i mean so it's the domino effect not just that one
Speaker:day of activity well you hit on even the people driving by and seeing the sign i know that i've
Speaker:driven by many open houses signs and i'm like oh wait i didn't know the house was for sale and
Speaker:that's one more piece that you might get a lead from that you're not aware of a thousand percent
Speaker:and again we're gonna talk about maximizing the open house so again what it does is it gives you
Speaker:another marketing opportunity right and and so we're saying this from an agent perspective like
Speaker:it sounds a little selfish but that's kind of who our audience here in this platform but also to the
Speaker:client think about the more exposure you get them the more eyeballs you get on their property the
Speaker:better it is for them as well oh yeah definitely right and so it's a win-win situation so just be
Speaker:let's pretend nobody comes to your open house it's still a good thing if you follow the steps if you
Speaker:follow the process because you hit on earlier perfectly instant gratification too many people
Speaker:want instant gratification overnight that's not what happens in today's world in a long-term
Speaker:scalable growable business to actually level up in success in your life it's consistent effort
Speaker:over a period of time and it happens in little itty-bitty steps right and so we work on like a
Speaker:just as an example a 90-day time frame we talk about all the time what we do today affects our
Speaker:business our life our fitness our health 90 days from today so if you look back in the
Speaker:last 90 days of your life you will know exactly why you are where you are today same thing with
Speaker:an open house what have you done what have you done for the 90 days leaving leading up to that
Speaker:or what are you going to do in the 90 days in the future to help that client these people that are
Speaker:meeting an open house it's a long term play you always have to think long term more advertising
Speaker:more marketing more opportunities get face to face with people right and so it's a huge win
Speaker:um i liked sorry to cut you off but i liked one time you were um we were talking about open houses
Speaker:and um you know you were talking about you try to call people to get in front of them for hours
Speaker:you know at the office and then open house is the best way to do that you're getting in front
Speaker:of people so yeah what's the best way to spend your time is actually getting in front of clients
Speaker:thousand percent that's a great perspective thank you for bringing that up um it's agents
Speaker:especially if you're on a team if you're if you have a if you have a a good business part of your
Speaker:daily actions is prospecting or follow-up right that's that's part of the success formula and so
Speaker:what is your goal kristen what is your goal every day when you come into your prospecting follow-up
Speaker:to reach people and talk to people and get an appointment set an appointment so you can meet
Speaker:face-to-face yeah right you spend countless hours attempting to get face-to-face with people calling
Speaker:names and phone numbers from the internet yep versus and your goal of doing that is to get face
Speaker:to face and open house is a way to skip a couple steps and get people face to face quicker exactly
Speaker:right yeah and i mean let's we have a great answer right on our team but i think the last time i saw
Speaker:a stat the national answer rate was like 15 to 18 of prospecting calls get answered in the real
Speaker:estate business maybe maybe it's even less than that um but the point is is like you call 100
Speaker:people you talk to 15 how many of those people actually are gonna set an appointment with right
Speaker:maybe not yeah a couple probably yeah if you're in our organization it's going to be a couple because
Speaker:you've got the skill sets and we have rock stars here but it's the point is is that your goal is to
Speaker:get face to face and open house is a way to it's a cheat code to skip a couple steps to get face
Speaker:to face with people definitely also the mindset of the people that are going to be coming to an open
Speaker:house versus just someone random you're calling on the phone it's going to be much more receptive you
Speaker:know i've thought about changing how or upgrading uh our home recently and you know i just haven't
Speaker:really taken the plunge and you're like well perfect that's the kind of conversation you want
Speaker:to be having with those kind of people so that hits on the motivation of the people that you're
Speaker:calling and talking to right like the motivation is we want to meet with people that are motivated
Speaker:to buy or sell real estate like that's how that's who we can help in the right now right it's never
Speaker:too early to meet with us we say that all the time because we do want to build that relationship with
Speaker:them but if you want higher intent clients get face to face with people that take time out of
Speaker:their day to come to meet a stranger at a house like that shows high intent i don't believe what
Speaker:people say i believe what they do and when people come to an open house they tell me a lot by their
Speaker:actions they are highly motivated to buy or sell a home yeah 100 a lot of people aren't going to
Speaker:drag their kids through random houses if they're not serious about buying at least in the future
Speaker:so yeah that's a good point some people may say i came for the free pizza but they still you know
Speaker:what i mean yeah and maybe that's what the cookies yeah well hey you'll still have the conversation
Speaker:hey what have you been up to today i went to an open house got some free pizza that's right
Speaker:there you go positive experience so to get your mindset right the why behind the what so
Speaker:to speak the why of doing an open house is to get higher intent clients get face to face with them
Speaker:and even if they're not a client if they're a neighbor that's a good thing like part of our
Speaker:process will break down is we go we send mailers to the neighbors on purpose we want the neighbors
Speaker:to come to the open house i've had that's another thing i've heard from agents well only three
Speaker:neighbors came what that's a great thing three neighbors came to your open house because they own
Speaker:a home next door or they probably have friends that they want to move move next door to them
Speaker:like that's a great resource for you right and it's because we want that instant gratification or
Speaker:maybe our expectations aren't right again let's it's not the goal of the open house is to not sell
Speaker:not to sell that house that's not the goal if that happens great but the goal is to get face-to-face
Speaker:build relationships with people whether that be a neighbor a buyer a seller et cetera
Speaker:now you build a long-term relationship and you can actually build a business off of that definitely
Speaker:because the neighbors might not be ready to sell now but they might be in six months or a year and
Speaker:then they're gonna remember how good you treated them at that opening so real life experience
Speaker:um in our market i was i'm kind of a pioneer of several different things in our area and one of
Speaker:the things years and years and years ago was open houses and this is where a lot of this stuff comes
Speaker:from me actually learning through doing right and so one of the i remember we were in an open
Speaker:house and we were the only ones doing them at the time as soon as we started doing them other people
Speaker:followed right which whatever it's cool um but the the point is is that i had people actually come
Speaker:to the open house that said i've been trying to track you down you're the open house guy i have my
Speaker:house over here i want to sell literally walked in pointed at me and said you're the open house guy
Speaker:because nobody else was doing it in my market and it got attention through the marketing through the
Speaker:results etc yeah right and so i got a listing out of that and what is the snowball effect right it's
Speaker:huge and we did an open house that how like like so it's there's a lot more if you think long term
Speaker:open houses are a huge huge resource to your business but you've got to do them right to
Speaker:maximize the opportunity so now let's jump into how do we do a open house right kristen
Speaker:we talked about there's basically five steps what are those five steps first is planning um
Speaker:you know you're gonna pick a good house um to do an open house that you want something that's in a
Speaker:neighborhood that you're trying to bring people to that's you know close to put directional signs out
Speaker:and everything like that if it's in the country it's going to be a little bit harder to get
Speaker:traffic out there so it's going to need to be a house that you're trying to get people through the
Speaker:door in that neighborhood and that you can pull people from signs and stuff in that marketing so
Speaker:the location it needs to be a house that represents your brand right like where do
Speaker:you want more clients at go to that neighborhood where is a neighborhood that has high visibility
Speaker:where what is a house that shows well right and so planning the right house i think is the first step
Speaker:that's a pretty easy step but it's very crucial if you if you do the open house at the wrong location
Speaker:in the wrong area you're not going to get the right results and so planning the right house is
Speaker:very very important um and you hit on something there too is to make sure that you have a great
Speaker:area for signage right and so um all or nothing right mentality um i've had that for for years
Speaker:and so one of the things that i literally had on our checklist was a minimum of 25 pointer signs
Speaker:at least like how many how many open houses have you seen that there's one pointer sign or none and
Speaker:then one sign in the in the in front of the house right all the time like i want maximum exposure
Speaker:right and so there's there's just processes and and ways to lay out the signs are important and
Speaker:we'll we'll break that down a little bit um but let's go back to planning what else what else
Speaker:do you need to do to plan um have a list of items that you need for the day of the open house just
Speaker:so you know you know you don't have to go back through every time and check they're there they're
Speaker:in a box maybe that you have in the office so that everything's ready to go for the agents and
Speaker:kind of grab and go and just make sure that you have everything that you need for that day yeah
Speaker:just create a quick checklist right to what do you need for every open house all right i
Speaker:got a checklist to make sure i didn't forget like exactly i've forgotten an mls sheet yeah you have
Speaker:people walking in your open house and they say hey do you have something i can take from this i don't
Speaker:have any marketing material yeah because i didn't have a checklist so we created a checklist so if
Speaker:you don't have sign-in sheets then how are they going to sign in exactly yep 100 um the next step
Speaker:is marketing so i'm a marketing guru i love it i eat it breathe it sleep marketing i love marketing
Speaker:and so this marketing is a huge huge opportunity for you to get more exposure through your open
Speaker:house right and so number one your marketing starts way ahead of the open house so part of
Speaker:your planning needs to be to get you time to get your marketing to do the work for you for the open
Speaker:house i talked to a lot of agents they're like hey i think i'm gonna do an open house tomorrow
Speaker:okay cool if you want to do that that's probably still a good use of your time but what if you
Speaker:could do that next week and plan ahead and get your marketing on point what if you could do a
Speaker:video about that's a sneak peek of the house right what if you had time to do fly or mailers to all
Speaker:of the all the surrounding neighborhoods to get nosy neighbors to tell them hey we're having an
Speaker:open house next door another cool trick that i that i think is very very useful if it's in a
Speaker:high caliber neighborhood or a very busy neighborhood let's say it's a neighborhood
Speaker:that you want to farm or that you want to dominate right you want to be the go-to real estate agent
Speaker:for that neighborhood here's here's a an actual item that you should do in your marketing you
Speaker:should hand print some flyers that are that are that you can take with you and go and door knock
Speaker:all of those and invite them to an exclusive open house before your open house right so hey
Speaker:we're doing this just for neighbors only so ins so say you're doing an open house from 12 to 2 on
Speaker:saturday hey from 11 to 12 we're doing this just for neighbors i know a lot of neighbors are scared
Speaker:to come in the house they're like oh i don't want to waste anybody's time we're doing this just for
Speaker:you exclusive by invite only nobody else knows except for you guys and invite them in and that
Speaker:makes them feel special you'll get more neighbors to show up because nosy neighbors are a good thing
Speaker:right so video works for marketing video ahead of time also a video day of like as an example
Speaker:facebook live is a huge thing right um instagram live anything any of those platforms that you use
Speaker:like before the open house like an hour before just go live and do a quick sneak peek hey we're
Speaker:at 123 main street doing this open house come and check it out we've got free cookies whatever be
Speaker:entertaining be authentic be you invite people be a professional inviter to your open house
Speaker:definitely um is there anything i really i missed on on the marketing um let me think and mailers
Speaker:to neighbors and then door knocking definitely um we have uh door hangers too if they're not there
Speaker:that way you can leave it has like when the open house is going to be the address that way it kind
Speaker:of invites them that way too if we miss them if they're not home um and then yeah and like i mean
Speaker:simple things right the details matter over a large scale so like the checklist for all the
Speaker:stuff you need to bring like create a marketing checklist like an event on facebook to invite
Speaker:people to right um you can do facebook ads social media ads around your open house you don't have to
Speaker:spend a lot of money but you can re-target people if you have a crm with good data you can actually
Speaker:you can you can grab the data of people that are interested in properties similar to this
Speaker:and you can create a custom audience on social media and just continually remarket your open
Speaker:house your video to just those people you talk about high intent people people that are looking
Speaker:for a three bedroom two bath in this city i know that information from my crm right so why can't
Speaker:i create an audience and target them on social media for a week to invite them to the open house
Speaker:like that's there's so many different things and layers that you can do to maximize your exposure
Speaker:in your open house but too many people think it's just as simple as i just put a sign in the yard
Speaker:and nobody showed up so it was a failure well did you really master each of these steps did
Speaker:you master the marketing for it and don't give up after one like i've only had one open house
Speaker:that i did from start to finish when i was in the field that nobody showed up to and i did a ton and
Speaker:it was not normal in our area we're in a smaller market i only had one that nobody showed up to
Speaker:it doesn't happen very often no it just it doesn't happen and the one that nobody showed up to like i
Speaker:was looking out the window and people were driving by really slow like the it still worked they just
Speaker:didn't like the look of the house enough to jump in so guess what i did next time i grabbed a sign
Speaker:and i started stood up by the road i ran people down and said hey no come on in like seriously
Speaker:like what are you is that your mindset as an agent or you just say oh they didn't think they
Speaker:didn't care enough to come here no they cared enough to drive there they just didn't pull in
Speaker:so i'm going to figure out why they didn't pull in oh this house doesn't work for you no problem
Speaker:kristin we've got another one just down the road that may work perfect for you
Speaker:let's go look at like this open house is open over in an hour can you meet me there then
Speaker:why are people but that's maximizing the opportunities right so when people
Speaker:say open houses don't work that's that's an example of why they don't
Speaker:yeah um also contacting agents other agents in the area seeing if they have clients that it
Speaker:might work for and inviting them to the open house um yeah i think that's a great idea except for
Speaker:don't be that agent that does an agent-only open house i think that that's a waste of time that
Speaker:agent can see whenever the hell they want yeah right like call them and invite them to the public
Speaker:open house bring your client exactly yeah instead of just doing an agent-only but yes i think that's
Speaker:a great idea it helps build relationships with other agents let's yeah it gets exposure for your
Speaker:seller there's a lot of benefits to that as well yeah for sure let's talk about step number three
Speaker:setup um definitely making sure that the home is ready that it presents well
Speaker:smells good um it's decluttered de-personalized um just make sure that it looks good um grasses mowed
Speaker:things like that that some people don't think about all the time and if it's an occupied home if
Speaker:if it's occupied or unoccupied right so if it's occupied um tell the seller to go take their kids
Speaker:to the park right they don't need to be in the home and also get there early help them prepare
Speaker:just like you were getting ready to take a listing we have a home prep guide give a similar version
Speaker:to your sellers on your setup for open house because you don't want people coming in it was
Speaker:a good house but it smells like pets so it's not for me exactly right and so we just need to make
Speaker:sure we prepare them for that gr mow the grass all that stuff i think another important part is
Speaker:um have have something attractive to get people there other than just the house right so have
Speaker:food have water have a contest do giveaways like i know there's different state laws and different
Speaker:things but i've heard of people doing like gift card giveaways come in and part of you signing in
Speaker:is we put your name in the raffle to get a hundred dollars to joe's crab shack or whatever you know
Speaker:pick a pick a local business whatever partner with them and it just helps get people in it
Speaker:gets excitement it's helped spread the word right and and then they have an incentive other than
Speaker:hey this house may not be for me but actually they have cookies and they have a they have a
Speaker:bounce house for the kids yeah like whatever it may be to get people there you want to make
Speaker:your open house an event makes it more fun for example 100 yeah um another thing like if you have
Speaker:a neighborhood yard sale going on or something like that great time to have an open house if
Speaker:you have a house in that neighborhood we've we've actually created a neighborhood yard sale for a
Speaker:new construction subdivision that we represented the builder on we had three houses for people to
Speaker:walk through and we mailed flyers in door knock the entire neighborhood said hey we are hosting
Speaker:a neighborhood yard sale on this day and this day it was really our open house but we knew we were
Speaker:going to drive traffic and so it was a good time for them to help us drive traffic and it was a
Speaker:win-win for everybody because now there i think there was 10 yard sales that happened and they
Speaker:were sharing it with their friends and they were getting people there well guess what they see when
Speaker:they're doing the yard sales they see our open house signs yep and it's it was a huge win-win
Speaker:um uh let's talk about set up for signage it's so so crucial how you put up your signs is important
Speaker:so make sure you think through it and again don't just put up one sign at the corner so
Speaker:how it's hard to explain this in a podcast maybe chris thing can help but like say you're going to
Speaker:an intersection don't so i say put a minimum of five at every intersection that's my rule
Speaker:depending on the intersection right um but when people say that they they put five side by side
Speaker:that's not how you do it how do people drive and i want them to see one sign then another sign then
Speaker:another sign then another sign like i they if they are driving in this intersection they can't miss
Speaker:our signs like they know there's something going on to the right and they're gonna go check it out
Speaker:because if you just put one we people probably texting while they're driving they're not gonna
Speaker:see it you know but you just need to make it so in their face that they can't help but miss it
Speaker:and again don't put them laterally right where they're just five side by side it needs to be
Speaker:where they keep seeing them like if you could visualize you're you're on a like a big curve on a
Speaker:road and they have the yellow pointer signs that's how your pointer sign should be they put mo dot
Speaker:or puts that that way for a reason right all the state puts them that way because people see them
Speaker:but your open house signs in the same way yeah also make sure you have flags when people are at
Speaker:the open house and they show up to the house don't just have one sign that says hey you're here no
Speaker:you want it to be a party like imagine having one of those we probably should get one like at car
Speaker:dealerships those floating guys who can we yeah we should get one of those hey you're here you made
Speaker:it right because you want your open house to be an event you want them to feel like they're arrived
Speaker:they're welcomed come on in right i know william did balloons for example on a lot of the signs
Speaker:around town just to make it to where people see it more because that movement creates attention 100
Speaker:um anything else on setup that i missed um you think one thing um for the pointer signs i like
Speaker:to print off an aerial of the neighborhood and further out the day before whatever so you can
Speaker:plan and then i mark where those are going to be it also helps so that you don't lose them later
Speaker:or if you have someone else picking up the signs um then they know where they're at too so it's
Speaker:easier to find them yes um from experience yes from experience i've drove in three days later
Speaker:to go show the house i didn't open a house on the weekend before and i'm like oh there's some
Speaker:signs there i should probably pick those up yes because you don't plan out and it allows you so
Speaker:number one you don't lose signs right but number two it helps you plan from an aerial perspective
Speaker:of where should i put these signs where is the most traffic going to be et cetera yeah where's
Speaker:the grocery stores that people are going to be at or whatever is in that area put them by heavy
Speaker:traffic intersections that's the goal right you want more people to see it cool let's talk about
Speaker:step number four is the day of the open house the biggest mistake i see people make is they they
Speaker:smother people at open houses like they've seen a house before yes you want to be a resource you
Speaker:want to build a relationship with them but don't smother them like follow them around that's right
Speaker:like you that's why they sign in right the seller allowed you to be there like it's just make sure
Speaker:that they don't feel like you are smothering them to the open house and what happens if somebody
Speaker:else walks in and you're the only agent there right you have to protect the front door as well
Speaker:and so find that balance um can you give some tips on what's worked for you there um it's all about
Speaker:building rapport with the people that come in but also giving balance and giving them space so i
Speaker:like to find out you know why they're there what their why is um and just make it non-threatening
Speaker:i'm not asking them 21 questions i'm just getting to learn a little bit more on why they're there
Speaker:what they're looking for if they're working with an agent just non-threatening basic questions
Speaker:getting to know them and their family um just try to build that rapport with them so because
Speaker:the why is way more important than the what right and kristen understands that long-term
Speaker:relationships is how you went so um 100 and so one of the things too that we do is everybody signs in
Speaker:yes like make sure you have a sign in sheet and everybody signs in a great way to handle this
Speaker:have this conversation with your seller and say hey we're going to have a sign in sheet at your
Speaker:open house and we're going to say hey the seller request that you sign in um to our open house
Speaker:sellers don't want strangers walking through their home you understand you wouldn't either right
Speaker:and so make sure that the seller does approve that but i don't put that on me like i'm not trying to
Speaker:like again i don't want them to feel trapped or smothered or like i'm attacking them right
Speaker:but it's a safety protocol that the seller asks for right and just get them to sign in and don't
Speaker:abuse that right don't take advantage of it don't spam their stuff all that stuff but what it does
Speaker:do is now you have their contact information put them in your system on your long-term drips again
Speaker:use it responsibly but then it gives you an opportunity to follow up if things got busy
Speaker:or hectic and you didn't talk to them before they left hey what'd you think of the house is there
Speaker:anything else i can do to help you um and we'll talk about the follow-up here in a minute but
Speaker:having that contact information is valuable for again for the long term right um another thing too
Speaker:is you said build rapport one i'm going to share a little trick and this is an old trick so you guys
Speaker:probably already know it but the ford analogy like that's a great way to build a quick relationship
Speaker:with people right and so make sure that you guys are building that relationship focus on the why
Speaker:on the people the motivation versus that it does the housework for them or not right and because
Speaker:if you build that relationship then you'll be able to help figure out figure out the what
Speaker:because they trust you you build that trust with them so ford stands for family occupation
Speaker:recreation and dream if you talk about those one of those four things resonates with everybody
Speaker:and you'll be able to have an intelligent conversation they'll feel more personable
Speaker:and they'll feel more comfortable talking to you yep exactly all right step number five
Speaker:clean up and follow up um so obviously you're gonna clean up the house and make sure that
Speaker:you get everything out make sure it looks good for your clients really important as a follow-up so we
Speaker:kind of divide the leads that come in and then you want to call them same day and just if you
Speaker:weren't able to have a good conversation maybe there was too many people in there at once
Speaker:um kind of get to know what they're looking for if they want to make an offer on the house or
Speaker:if they want to meet back up with you and see other homes too you try to set that appointment
Speaker:but just thank them for coming to the open house and if you don't get them on the phone
Speaker:video text thanking them for coming to the open house and be excited thank you for coming to open
Speaker:house looking forward to working with you maybe mention something that they brought up at the
Speaker:open house about their family or something just make it personable don't do like a masked text
Speaker:to everyone that came in has to be one-on-one right um so add that personal touch she said
Speaker:something very crucial one make sure you guys hear it follow up the same day like i've been
Speaker:in open houses where it's pouring down rain i'm picking up signs i'm like a drowning rat it's
Speaker:six o'clock i haven't eight and four hours like it's it's not the best time for me to call them
Speaker:but i know i need to call them that same day and i still i follow through on that it's so crucial
Speaker:so many so many things can happen tonight that they don't remember tomorrow right and so make
Speaker:sure that you call them that same day to have that relationship to have that conversation
Speaker:see how you can help them um video texts are huge um kristen and i um somewhat disagree on
Speaker:on the call versus video text but her point is you can actually get more of a conversation through
Speaker:the phone call which i don't disagree with but i also think the video text is if you didn't build
Speaker:that relationship you know it's not the house for them depending on what conversation you had
Speaker:video texts are super useful right because again it goes back to the communication circle what
Speaker:55 of how people receive communication is visual is your body language right and 38 your tonality
Speaker:yep right and only seven percent is the words that you say so if you just send them a text message
Speaker:they only get seven percent of the communication that's possible with a video text they get 100 it
Speaker:gets all three right and so and versus an email where people don't open it everybody opens text
Speaker:messages so it's just a great great tool and it doesn't need anything extraordinary just
Speaker:to follow up hey just just want to thank you so much for coming to the house i want to personally
Speaker:say it was a joy to meet you and your family and mention them by name and mention something
Speaker:personal and you're building that relationship and that will stand out because it's different
Speaker:definitely um also make sure you put them in your crm right put them in your system whatever system
Speaker:you use put them on the appropriate drips put them on the um appropriate based on their timeline
Speaker:again don't abuse the people that come in your open house and just spam them right don't sell
Speaker:their information none of that crap but um just you're you're getting their information number one
Speaker:to protect the seller and the property but also so you can provide value and help them mm-hmm
Speaker:um and when you put them in the crm it allows you to build that long-term relationship right
Speaker:so the again we talked earlier is that three percent only about three percent of people are
Speaker:going to buy the first house that they inquire about right and so that's there's 97 chance this
Speaker:isn't going to work out for them right and so what can you do to build that relationship to
Speaker:provide them with the information that they need educate them so that they can make that decision
Speaker:and so that's that's kind of our job as real estate agents and this allows you you've already
Speaker:met them face to face because of the open house let's tie this back to the beginning right so once
Speaker:you go through these steps you met with them face to face you would have spent an hour two hours all
Speaker:day not at the open house calling strangers trying to get face-to-face you got face-to-face with
Speaker:people maximize that in your follow-up like don't minimize that well this house wasn't for them no
Speaker:your attitude your mindset matters they i don't believe what people say i believe what they do
Speaker:they took time out of their day to come and meet a stranger at a house that speaks that speaks a
Speaker:lot to me and i make sure that i i owe it to them to get to the bottom of that to help them what if
Speaker:someone says they're just looking what do you say to that what's your favorite i'll let you answer
Speaker:your own question what do i say to that kristen well um just dig deeper i always ask you know what
Speaker:are you looking for oh great when are you looking you know if they're just if they're just looking
Speaker:get to know what they're looking for that's i mean it's not an objection that's right
Speaker:it's just dig deeper to find out what they're looking for maybe they're not looking today
Speaker:maybe they're looking three months from now six months a year but just get to know
Speaker:why they're just looking and what they're looking for like it's just a
Speaker:it's so one-off so this is a great analogy so i say this in prospecting right a lot of online
Speaker:leads will say they're just looking that's our default as humans that's our defense mechanism
Speaker:right and a lot of agents confuse that as that is an objection it is not an objection they're
Speaker:on your website they're in your store your online store looking at homes what do we sell
Speaker:that's not an objection they're looking for at our product that they're interested in
Speaker:buying or selling they walk through the door at the open house they probably want to buy
Speaker:another step that's where i was going with that is the next step is you meet them face to face
Speaker:they sign in they're uncomfortable because they've had a bad experience in the past they don't like
Speaker:salespeople because they don't sell them the right way they don't focus on the relationship right
Speaker:there's something that's happened there's there's skepticism for a reason it's our responsibility
Speaker:to get through that just look just looking great i'm glad you're here let's look around
Speaker:right instead of letting that stop you in your tracks i'm glad obviously you're looking
Speaker:you're here you know like don't say that but yeah and know you are that's why you're here
Speaker:and so um so just when they say just looking like an open house like my first go-to would be like
Speaker:oh great what what drew you to look at this home like what caught your eye about this one now i
Speaker:can have a conversation oh how how soon are you go through the lpmom or whatever script it is you use
Speaker:just do a different version of that and keep going through that like because a lot of people say well
Speaker:i had people come to open house and they were just looking yeah that's a bad thing you know
Speaker:what i mean why they were there yeah exactly yeah why did you host the open house you wanted people
Speaker:that weren't looking like i'm confused here you know so yeah 100 that's a great point um so
Speaker:go back through the five steps kristin the five steps to successful open house are
Speaker:you gonna have to look at your cheat sheet planning is gonna be the first number one is
Speaker:planning marketing number two is marketing setup setup day of day of what to do with the day of the
Speaker:open house and finally clean up and follow up yeah i don't know about the clean up part but i'm just
Speaker:kidding you gotta leave that you gotta leave the seller's house in better condition than you you
Speaker:should up to that includes your open house signs you know yeah there you go yeah okay all right
Speaker:um so let's let's talk about i talked about it a few minutes ago at the beginning of the episode
Speaker:let's talk about something that we did kristin you were a part of this that we did we adjusted
Speaker:um we pivot quickly here right and so we adjusted whenever um covered was was a brand new thing and
Speaker:we had to close the offices everybody was forced to stay home like nobody knew what we didn't
Speaker:know right when coveted was a new thing and so when that happened um businesses shut down we
Speaker:weren't meeting people face to face right like um let's talk about an adjustment that we made
Speaker:to still have the value of open houses even though we couldn't be face to face with people
Speaker:yeah so um you know we couldn't have a lot of people come through people's houses with with cove
Speaker:and everything that was going on and so uh we did virtual open houses which i thought was awesome
Speaker:um we had really great success with it and we just had matterport videos where we could virtually
Speaker:walk people through them um and answer any questions that they had live um so talking
Speaker:to people that way which was awesome so so a few process few tips is if you guys want to do that
Speaker:in today's market i think it would still work right there's a lot of people that maybe so how
Speaker:many people in your market buy homes sight unseen or start their search before they get there like
Speaker:that's why we bought the matterport tool so mad report's a 3d walkthrough service there's other
Speaker:services out there but you kind of need one to adapt with the times in today's day and age and
Speaker:so what we did is we would host zoom webinars we would advertise we did all the open house steps
Speaker:except for this the in-person stuff and we got people to our virtual open house and we walked
Speaker:them through the house like it was in real time through the 3d matterport and they could ask
Speaker:questions that we talked them through like we were there with them to help them through the
Speaker:open house and what was cool about doing that is the marketing was the same right everything
Speaker:was the same the only pivot was it was on it was virtual yeah and so it worked so good the first so
Speaker:this is in the middle of code would kova's running like nobody knows what we don't know people are
Speaker:scared to death to leave their homes right like it's at that point of this pandemic and we sold
Speaker:the first five houses that we did a virtual open house on i believe it was in five days like no no
Speaker:the whole world stopped people were excited about it though because it was different you know people
Speaker:weren't doing them and so people were more likely to watch them because it was something new and so
Speaker:i don't know i thought that that was really cool that we did and i i mean i think that definitely
Speaker:could still work um we do in person now just to get face-to-face but if you're in that market
Speaker:definitely try it out yeah 100 awesome um guys this has been a great episode kristin thank you
Speaker:so much for being here thank you for having me colin thank you as always um guys i hope i hope
Speaker:this was valuable um there's a lot of stuff we covered if you want a checklist from this
Speaker:send us send us a message in whatever platform you're listening to this find us on our private
Speaker:group we're happy to give you our checklist and share that with you i believe in the abundance
Speaker:mindset and we do all or nothing to change lives and help people and so we're here to help
Speaker:um if you have any other questions about open house we're here to help and
Speaker:reach out to us so guys thanks for listening thank you so much for listening to another
Speaker:episode of all or nothing in real estate if you found anything this valuable please share this
Speaker:with your friends all or nothing in real estate is a passion project of mine this business has done
Speaker:so much for me and my family and this is my way to give back i'm also a real estate coach with chet
Speaker:black select coaching so if you are interested in having a coaching consultation with me
Speaker:please check out the link below all or nothing in real estate is not just a podcast it is a movement
Speaker:it is a community of contribution that is single-handedly designed to help change the real
Speaker:estate community in a positive way so make sure you're following us on all social social platforms
Speaker:and subscribe to us on youtube most importantly make sure you've requested to join all or nothing
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Speaker:and we do it in a private setting to make sure it remains a community of contribution there's a lot
Speaker:of great in-depth content there for free so please make sure you join that group as well and again
Speaker:thank you guys so much for listening if you found this of value please share this with your friends
Speaker:it is my goal to give back and contribute to make this industry better for all of us thanks again